How do we know God is real?

I remember asking my mother this question when I was a child. She had loved the Lord all her life so I expected an answer that would put my mind at ease. Instead, she made me think. She told me that just a few years earlier, she had gone through a difficult time in her life where she found herself asking the same question. Many things were going on in her life during those days that I did not learn until I was older. But that day, she told me she found herself looking up at the ceiling and crying out to God but she felt nothing. All she saw was the ceiling. Her prayers just seemed to hit the ceiling and fall back on her. This went on for some time.

In a search for God, she started thinking about the beginning of time. She thought about when the universe was created. Darwin’s theory states that two “things” collided together and an explosion occurred that created life as we know it today. But where did the two “things” come from? If a God did not create them, what was their beginnings?

The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). It also states that God is “the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End” (Rev. 22:13). It boiled down to either two “things” from nothing came together and made the vast universe or a Holy God was there and created all things. Something from nothing or a God who always was. What she told me next was life-changing. Both beliefs take faith because no one was there to see it happen.

For mom, it was easier to accept that God was always there than two things came from nothing. It was a realization that not only solidified her faith, but it also was the first step out of darkness.

Those words from my mom have stayed with me all these years. I think of them often. The Christian walk is a walk of faith. That’s why it is important to read the Bible, talk to Him daily, and walk outside and meet God in His creation. He’s real even when you can’t feel Him. He’s real even though you can’t see Him. He was here in the beginning. And He’s still here today for you.

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