Have you ever thought what it would be like if there was no Heaven? I’d actually never thought of it till I heard Heaven Changes Everything on my truck radio while driving down the highway. It’s almost as if my earthly self and my spirit collided in the instant that I heard Big Daddy Weave sing, “Heaven changes everything!”

With those words, my heart and soul exploded with questions. What would be the purpose for life without Heaven? How could I do today without Heaven? How could I fight cancer without Heaven? How could I handle the thought of forever without Heaven? How could I trust God without Heaven?

Then random thoughts took over. I realized the fact that I know there’s a Heaven gets me through the struggles and challenges of life here on earth. Autism, cancer, loss, even bills, obligations, responsibilities, and my isolation from my extended family is soothed because of Heaven. It’s funny how you can see something differently that you’ve known all your life in just an instant. Literally, Heaven changes everything: how I live; how I thrive; how I survive!

                 In the light of eternity, I have this hope
                You hold my heart and I’m never alone
                One day, You’re comin’ back
                One day, I’m comin’ home
                Thank You, Jesus
                Heaven changes everything
                Oh, everything

                My questions would stay questions, no answers to be found
                And all the times I’ve fallen, I’d still be there on the ground
                Thank You, Jesus
                Heaven changes everything…

                The way that I love, the way that I live
                The way I let go and choose to forgive
                The peace in this pain, the hope in this grief
                The beauty beyond this, I have to believe
                I can’t see what You see, but I know that I know
                This world’s where I am, but this world’s not my home…

Thank You, Jesus!

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