In the summer of 2018, my mother’s heart was giving out quickly. The only way to save her was through an experimental procedure that had only been done a handful of times in the United States. Since there are only a few doctors that have attempted this, the surgery date had to wait until a team of experienced surgeons could be assembled from across the country.
In the days leading up to the surgery, my mom’s hospital room was a revolving door where numerous doctors and interns were coming to study and to be a part of her groundbreaking leap into new medical technology. Most were cautiously optimistic with the surgery while others expressed concern. On one occasion, my mom asked the visiting group that if their mother was in her shoes, would they advise her to go through the procedure. Without hesitation, one emphatically answered, “No.” These types of responses were few but still disconcerting to say the least.
From day one, mom took ownership of the final decision. She did not want to burden anyone with the responsibility. To make an informative decision, she talked at length with the panel of doctors. Then she consulted the family, but mostly, she prayed for God’s wisdom and direction. When the time came for her to decide, she didn’t hesitate. She told the team of doctors that she was onboard. It was a chance of a lifetime, not only for her health but to help pave the way for others that would go after her.
Before I even arrived in Florida, my insides were more tied in knots than a fishermen’s net. The decision had been made. I knew there was no turning back. But when I walked into her hospital room, I found a peace that was overwhelming. Even the hospital staff commented something was different. It didn’t take long to realize God at work. God was pouring out His grace on my mom which was spilling over onto everyone who entered. There were no assurances of success that came with God’s grace, but there was the promise that whatever she had to endure, the Lord would be by her side.
We were ultimately blessed that God brought her through surgery and now eight months later, she is doing well. Occasionally, Mom talks about the peace she had during those challenging days. She wasn’t sure of the outcome at the time, but she knew she was not alone. God poured out His grace and remained faithful. He brought her through a most remarkable experience.
In the Bible, the provision of manna for the Israelites is a picture of God’s grace. “Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may test them, whether or not they will walk in My instruction’” (Ex. 16:4). They were only to collect what they needed for that day. The collection of manna is a picture of our daily provision of grace. Like the Israelites, we have to trust God because He only gives us the grace to endure what we are facing one day at a time. If you had told any of us in the family a year prior to her surgery what mom would be experiencing, we would have all been an emotional wreck. But grace came when we needed it especially for my mom.
Do you look ahead and wonder how you are going to handle an upcoming situation? Do you see things in the future that worry you? God doesn’t give us the grace to face a challenge until we need it. So, in preparation, pray for wisdom in handling the situation and ask for faith to trust Him that when the time comes that He will pour out His grace for you.
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